The Henry Williamson Society

A Breath of Country Air, Part Two

A Breath of Country Air, Part Two

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The second of two volumes that bring together for the first time HW’s weekly pieces in the Evening Standard, written during his last two years on the Norfolk Farm, between 1944 and 1946. Part Two also includes a 15-part serial, QUEST . . .

Foreword by Robert Williamson, illustrated, pp. 127, paperback, Henry Williamson Society, 1991

This second part of A Breath of Country Air brings together for the first time HW’s weekly pieces in the Evening Standard, written durting 1945/46. Part Two also includes a 15-part serial, QUEST, unpublished since 1946, which forms a postscript to the Norfolk farm. The articles are concerned with everyday happenings on the farm, his young children (especially Robbie and Rikky, contributors of the two Forewords), country life, and most poignantly, the sale of the farm and the family’s move to Botesdale in Suffolk. 

Part One of A Breath of Country Air is now out of print as a paperback. However, the two volumes are now available as a single e-book.

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