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Critical reception and book covers
Appendix II: The American edition
Appendix I:
Henry Williamson's notes for the writing of The Phasian Bird
In the Literary Archive there is a small notebook (4 x 6¼ inches), within the pages of which HW has written notes for various books, including Scribbling Lark, The Dark Lantern and the books that would become Lucifer before Sunrise and The Gale of the World (within the notes for Lucifer HW has written: 'Title for book ARISE AND SHINE to succeed Lucifer Before Sunrise'). HW has numbered the odd pages only, and the notes planning The Phasian Bird cover pages 33–40 (p. 41 has notes for Scribbling Lark) and 42–43. Pages 53–55 concern the book after it had reached proof stage – not the time to be making major changes to a book!
The scans below are necessarily small so that the double pages of the notebook can be shown; to view larger, single-page scans which make HW's handwriting a little easier to read, click here.
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Critical reception and book covers
Appendix II: The American edition