New web pages – an archive from 2015
February 2023 |
HWS Journal no. 34, 'Reality in War Literature' (1998) is now available online in the form of PDFs of the various articles. It has been out of print for some considerable time. |
November 2022 |
A Time-line concerning the writing of The Peregrine's Saga, by Anne Williamson: a time-line of the various early newspaper articles and stories about peregrine falcons that formed the backbone of the five stories that became The Peregrine's Saga. It is added as an Appendix to The Peregrine's Saga main page within Anne's survey of Henry Williamson's entire oeuvre, A Life's Work. |
October 2022 |
Adventures with Alvis Silver Eagle DR6084, by Alex and Elspeth Marsh: a very full history of Henry Williamson's legendary Silver Eagle post-Second World War: its restoration and adventurous travels overseas, with 70 photographs. This article is also published, with rather fewer photographs, in HWSJ 58, September 2022. |
January 2022 |
Henry Williamson, mainly known as a nature writer and author of over sixty books, had a possibly little-known aspect to his character: he was mad about motors. His passion, from bicycle to Aston Martin via Alvis Silver Eagle, is chronicled by Anne Williamson in five chapters, or 'laps', all of which are now available online, as Henry Williamson: Mad about Motors. The laps consist of: LAP 2: Two wheels plus an engine (Nortons) LAP 3: Four wheels (Peugeot to Alvis Silver Eagle, via Auto Union) |
April 2021 |
HW’s involvement in, and attendance at, The World Wildlife Fund Second International Congress, held in London on 16, 17 and 18 November 1970. We present this page as a tribute to HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, to mark his work in the conservation of nature – a subject also close to the heart of HW. |
February 2021 | Richard Calvert Williamson: An Illustrated Profile of the Society's Late President | |
January 2021 |
'RAR': Bird Artist of Cley (Richard Richardson, a talented bird artist and well-known ornithologist, drew many of the illustrations for HW's articles in the Daily Express during the late 1960s – see Days of Wonder. What readers of these articles could not have known was the connection between Richardson and the Williamson family, and in particular HW's son Richard, which forms a most interesting story in its own right, told here by Anne Williamson.) |
December 2020 |
'Reality in War Literature' (a consideration of this significant essay, including scans of the original manuscript and typescript from 1926, and the essay as it appeared in The London Mercury in 1929) |
December 2020 |
The page for The Ackymals (ltd ed., Windsor Press, 1929) has been revised to incorporate further information – letters to HW from the Windsor Press, and the complete short story as it appeared in The London Mercury, January 1927 |
December 2020 | 'Threnos for T. E. Lawrence' (a consideration of this significant essay) | |
December 2020 |
A newly discovered book review by HW in the New York Herald Tribune (Nov. 1930) of Edward Thompson's In Araby Orion. The page for In Araby Orion has also been updated to include the review |
December 2020 |
Revised page for A Soldier's Diary of the Great War, now including a lengthy review by Jack Squire in the Observer, recently discovered in the Literary Archive |
September 2020 |
Posthumous collections – these are the collections of newspaper and magazine articles and essays, introductions to other books etc. by HW, published by the Society – 15 books in all, comprising, in published date order: * Days of Wonder (Contributions to the Daily Express, 1966–1971) * From a Country Hilltop (Contributions to Home Magazine, 1958–1962; and The Sunday Times, 1962–1964) * A Breath of Country Air (2 vols) (Contributions to the Evening Standard, 1944–1945; and 'Quest', 15 linked pieces in Woman's Illustrated and Eve's Own, 1946) * Spring Days in Devon, and Other Broadcasts (Transcripts of 22 BBC talks) * Pen and Plough: Further Broadcasts (Transcripts of 21 BBC talks; with a checklist of all HW's known BBC radio broadcasts) * Threnos for T. E. Lawrence, and Other Writings * Green Fields and Pavements: A Norfolk Farmer in Wartime (Contributions to the Eastern Daily Press, 1941–1944) * The Notebook of a Nature-lover (Selected contributions to the Sunday Referee, 1933–1936) * Words on the West Wind: Selected Essays from The Adelphi, 1924–1950 * Henry Williamson: A Brief Look at His Life and Writings in North Devon in the 1920s and '30s (A short anthology, edited by Tony Evans) * Indian Summer Notebook: A Writer's Miscellany * Heart of England: Contributions to the Evening Standard, 1939–1941 * Chronicles of a Norfolk Farmer: Contributions to the Daily Express, 1937–1939 * Stumberleap, and Other Devon Writings: Contributions to the Daily Express, * Atlantic Tales: Contributions to The Atlantic Monthly, 1927–1947 |
August 2020 | The Gale of the World (the last in the 15-volume A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight series) | |
April 2020 | The Scandaroon | |
March 2020 | Collected Nature Stories | |
December 2019 | The Henry Williamson Animal Saga | |
August 2019 | Book reviews (by HW; all known reviews or notices, covering 102 books) | |
July 2019 | Letters to The Times | |
May 2019 | 'New Forest Child', by Phyllis Dorothy Compton (with help from HW) [unpublished] | |
May 2019 | The Wipers Times (Foreword by HW) | |
April 2019 | The Vanishing Hedgerows (BBC2, broadcast on 20 August, 1971) | |
February 2019 | No Man's Land (BBC1, broadcast on 10 November 1968) | |
January 2019 |
The Survivor: A Sunday Night Feature on the author of Tarka the Otter (BBC1, broadcast on 8 May 1966) |
December 2018 |
The Twelfth Man (the essay 'Genesis of Tarka', in an anthology published for Prince Philip's 50th birthday) |
December 2018 |
'Some Nature Writers and Civilisation' (Wedmore Memorial Lecture given by HW to the Royal Society for Literature) |
December 2018 | My Favourite Country Stories (Edited and Introduction by HW) | |
November 2018 | A Clear Water Stream | |
October 2018 | Tales of Moorland & Estuary | |
October 2018 |
'Reflections on the Death of a Field Marshal' (An essay prompted by viewing the film 'Oh! What a Lovely War' that was first published in Contemporary Review in June 1971) |
October 2018 | Schools Writing Competition 2018 – Results | |
September 2018 | Letters from a Soldier by Walter Robson (Edited and Introduction by HW) | |
September 2018 | The Adelphi (HW's contributions to and involvement with this literary magazine) | |
September 2018 | The Phasian Bird | |
August 2018 |
'The Last 100 Days' (A series of articles about the 100-day offensive that ended the Great War) |
July 2018 | Tales of a Devon Village and Life in a Devon Village | |
July 2018 | Norfolk Life by Lilias Rider Haggard and Henry Williamson | |
June 2018 | Genius of Friendship: T. E. Lawrence | |
May 2018 | As the Sun Shines (An anthology, with 18 pieces from books published up to 1941) | |
May 2018 | Lucifer before Sunrise (vol. 14 of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight) | |
March 2018 |
Waveney Girvan and the West Country Writers Association (of which Henry Williamson later became president. This new page is an adjunct to the page on Girvan's Bibliography and a Critical Survey of the Works of Henry Williamson.) |
February 2018 |
Two additional pages to expand on our Richard Jefferies page: |
February 2018 |
The Daniel Brothers, London Rifle Brigade. This page was created courtesy of Tom Daniel, grandson of one of the brothers, who provided the details and the marvellous photo. (Updated with further information and photographs March 2018.) |
January 2018 |
Francis Thompson (A look at his life and work; his influence on HW; HW and the Francis Thompson Society; and HW's two essays on Thompson, 'A First Adventure with Francis Thompson' and 'In Darkest England') |
January 2018 |
Five essays and reviews by Fr Brocard Sewell: 'Facing the Spectres of the Mind' (review, 1960) 'Henry Williamson' (1961) 'The Power of the Dead' (review, 1963) 'Some Thoughts on The Flax of Dream' (1965) 'Some Memories of H.W.' (1980) |
December 2017 |
'Some Notes on The Flax of Dream & A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight', by Henry Williamson. This illuminating essay was first published in the Aylesford Review (Vol II, No. 2, Winter 1957–'58). |
November 2017 |
'A Fair Seed-time: an illustrated account of Henry Williamson's childhood', by Anne Williamson. The page also includes perhaps HW's earliest known writing: a school essay written in 1908 when he was 12, entitled 'Keepers and Birds of Prey'. |
November 2017 |
In the Woods (including Appendices on: Fr Brocard Sewell and St Albert's Press; 'Machen in Fleet Street; HW's involvement with Aylesford Review literary events) |
October 2017 |
A Soldier's Diary of the Great War by Douglas Bell, Introduction by Henry Williamson (Not a new page, but revised and augmented – an album of pencil drawings and watercolours by Bell, most drawn by him in 1915, has recently been donated to the Society. The entire album has been scanned and added to this page.) |
May 2017 |
A Solitary War (vol. 13 of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight; including HW's synopses for a proposed film, 'Immortal Corn', 1940) |
May 2017 | The Story of a Norfolk Farm | |
May 2017 | A Fight against Tithes by George Gill (with an Epigraph by HW) | |
March 2017 |
The Unreturning Spring by James Farrar (edited and with an Introduction by Henry Williamson) |
March 2017 | The Phoenix Generation (vol. 12 of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight) | |
January 2017 | Henry Williamson and 208 Machine Gun Company | |
November 2016 | Henry Williamson and the London Rifle Brigade | |
September 2016 | The Power of the Dead (vol. 11 of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight) | |
September 2016 | The Children of Shallowford | |
August 2016 | 'Out of the Prisoning Tower' | |
August 2016 | Goodbye West Country | |
July 2016 | The Flax of Dream – one-volume edition | |
July 2016 | Rupert Bryers: an homage | |
July 2016 | 'When the sun arose that day', newspaper article by HW | |
July 2016 | 'The Somme', newspaper article by HW | |
July 2016 | 'Return to Hell', newspaper articles by HW | |
July 2016 |
'7.30 a.m.: a time of hope that became an execution hour', newspaper article by HW |
June 2016 | Salar the Salmon | |
June 2016 | New editions [of books by HW] published 1941–1948 | |
June 2016 | The Sun in the Sands | |
May 2016 | Devon Holiday | |
March 2016 | Scribbling Lark | |
January 2016 | Richard Jefferies | |
January 2016 | Winged Victory, by V. M. Yeates | |
January 2016 | Henry Williamson's visit to the United States in 1934 | |
January 2016 | The Linhay on the Downs | |
January 2016 | On Foot in Devon | |
November 2015 | It Was The Nightingale (vol. 10 of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight) | |
October 2015 | The Innocent Moon (vol. 9 of A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight) | |
September 2015 | A Note on In Araby Orion, by Edward Thompson | |
September 2015 | Henry Williamson and Francis Chichester | |
August 2015 | The Gold Falcon | |
April 2015 | 'To the Unknown Soldier', from Goodbye West Country | |
March 2015 | The Dreamer of Devon, by Herbert Faulkner West | |
March 2015 | Fergaunt the Fox (the book that never was) | |
March 2015 | Miscellanea of the Early 1930s | |
March 2015 | A Bibliography . . . of the Works of Henry Williamson, by Waveney Girvan | |
March 2015 | The Labouring Life | |
January 2015 | The Village Book |